Sunday, January 31, 2010

Swayambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa is the most ancient and enigmatic of all the holy shrines in Kathmandu valley. It is very interesting place to visit. According to the historical record in stone inscription it was already an important destination for the Buddhist pilgrimage by the fifth century AD. According to the ancient legends, Kathmandu was full of water lake and there was a mysterious lotus in the middle of the lake. The lotus mysteriously radiated a brilliant light, and the name of the place came to be Swayambhu, meaning 'Self-Created or Self-Existent'. At that time Bodhisatva Manjushri came in Kathmandu and he thought that if the water were drained out of the lake Swayambhu would become easily accessible to pilgrims. manjushri cut a gorge in the mountains surrounding the lake with his great sword. After that the water dried out and became beautiful Kathmandu valley.
Hindus, Bajrayan Buddhist from the Tibet and northern part of Nepal and the Newari Buddhist come to worship. Every morning in the dawn thousands of pilgrims climb up the stairs towards the Stupa. In the top of the hill there is a big Stupa with a pair of eyes. These are considered as the God's all-seeing perspective. Buddhist people don't believe in worship of idols but they only participate in the prayer. The stupa is totally filled with the chaityas, temples and different kinds of painting which represents about the religious aspect. This is very fascinating place from where we can see whole Kathmandu valley. It is very pleasing to climb up stairs and after reach seeing the beautiful valley near the eyes. It is one of the great destination for all kinds of devotees. Here we can get peaceful environment and panoramic view.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Lumbini is famous for its historical as well as natural beauty. It is the birth place of Lord Buddha, is situated about 22 km. from Bhairahawa (Siddharthanagar), below the Churia range, 24 km. south from the foothills of the Himalayas, on the western bank of Telar river in Rupandehi district of Lumbini zone in Nepal. It is about 300 km far from the capital Kathmandu. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha was born in this place in 563 B.C in the lap of father Suddhodhan and mother Mayadevi. Suddhodhan was a king of this place. Gautam Buddha grew up in luxurious environment of the palace. But he did not care about the personal happiness. He was very intelligent from his childhood. He used to think about the world and grief about the people. So, he left his palace in the age of 29 and went for the knowledge. He reached Bodh Gaya and he started to concentrate his mind in austerity in the shadow of the tree called Pipal. After great penance he achieved Enlightenment. He knew that why there is trouble in the world and what is the solution about this problem. He developed four noble truths. They are (1) Life means suffering (2) The origin of suffering is attachment (3) The cessation of suffering is attainable (4) The path to the cessation of suffering. He also found the solution of suffering of human beings in this world. They are called the Noble Eightfold Path. These are listed below: 1) Right View. 2) Right Intention. 3) Right Speech. 4) Right Action. 5) Right Livelihood. 6) Right Effort. 7) Right Mindfulness. 8) Right Concentration. Then he started to spread his knowledge in the society. He gathered his disciples and shares his ken and intelligence. According to Buddhist religion people should not kill the innocent animals and other creatures. Buddhist religion totally forbids the scapegoating. It only focuses on the prayer. Many monks and nuns are there who live in the Stupa. Peace and Nonviolence are the main incantation according to Lord Buddha.

We can see there Ahok Stamva which was found in 1896 AD by excavation. It was made by Indian Maurya Samrat Ashok in third century BC. By this Stamva it was possible to conclude that Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini and spread his Enlightenment all over the world. Temple of Mayadevi is another attractive thing of this place. It was discovered in 1898/99 AD by P.C. Mukharji. It was guessed that made in beginning in the AD. Besides all these things, there is peaceful environment where we can enjoy. It is very pleasing to visit this place with our family members. It is one of the finest destination for tourists who wants to visit calm and beautiful places.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tihar Festival

Tihar is a festival which is celebrated by the Hindu people in Nepal. After Bijaya Dashami Tihar is second great festival among the Hindu. Its also called the name of Tipawali or Bhai Tika or Laxmi Puja. It is a five days festival and in this festival people worship different animals as a symbol of divine power, such as crow, dog, cow and worshiping the Goddess Laxmi which is symbol of the wealth, prosperity and fortune. People cook delicious meal and sweet at home, sisters and brothers go for shopping, lying kites, decorating homes and streets, playing cards with friends, resting and relaxing. The last day of the festival is known as Tika day. Tihar is a festival of sisters wishing a long life to their brothers, and brothers provide gifts to their sisters.
In the first day of the tihar crows are worshiped, which is called Kag Tihar, and given different kinds of delicious food. People make fresh their houses and worship crows. Crows are considered as the messenger of Lord of Death, Yama. The second day of this festival is called Dog festival or Kukur Tihar. Dogs are adored with flower garland around their necks, red tika on their forehead, and are offered great delicious meals. In Hinduism it is believed that Kukur guard's the underworld empire just like it guards our everyday homes. In the third day, cows are worshiped. It is called Cow Festival or Gai Tihar. This is also called Laxmi Pooja. Cow is considered as mother in Hindu religion. She gives us milk which is very important for our health. People worship cows on this day with flower garland on the neck and red Tika in forehead. Cows are given delicious food in this day. In the evening time, people worship Goddess Laxmi. She is symbol of the wealth and prosperity according to Hindu religion. In homes, offices, companies and so on places people worship in the idols of Laxmi. They consider that in Laxmi Mata become angry in this day, wealth and prosperity never comes in the home. So, people properly conduct Laxmi Pooja. In the forth day of this festival people organize Deusi and Bhailo. This is a kind of song which is sung in this festival. Specially, young boys and girls visit door to door and sing and dance. They enjoy in this festival very much.
The last day or fifth days of this festival is called Bhai Tika. In this day sisters and brothers get together and celebrate it very joyfully. Sisters give tika and mala (garland) to their brothers. Tihar is also the time to re-call their continued wish for a long and a happy life for their brothers. Then sister dabs seven colors on top of the base using her fingers.ome may give tika with the help of a small stick or a brush without the using banana leaves. In this case, small stick is dipped into the tika base, then brushed vertically on the forehead, then using a different stick, the seven colors are applied on top of the base. After tika, flower garland is put around brother's neck. Then brothers give tika to sisters in the same fashion. Sisters also receive flower garland around their neck. Brothers give gifts such as clothes or money to sisters while sisters give a special gift. Those without a sister or brother, join relatives or friends for tika. Sisters pray for their brother's long life to the Hindu God of Death (Yam Raj). In this way, Tihar festival celebrate in Nepalese society within Hindu culture.

Bijaya Dashami

Most of the Nepalese people follow Hindu religion. They celebrate many festival according to tradition and belief. Hindu people believe in worship the idol of god and goddess. Bada Dashain or Bijaya Dashami is one of the famous festival in Hindu culture. Dashain is the longest and auspicious festival in the Nepalese people. The fifteen days celebration occurs during the bright lunar fortnight ending on the day of the full moon. In this period goddess Durga in all her manifestations are worshiped with scarification of many animals and adoration of Durga. According to Hindu mythology, a great victory of the gods over the wicked demons. In Ramayan said that lord Ram could victory over the demons Mahisasur after the worshiping to Durga Mata.
In this period, Hindu people gather all family members and relatives together to celebrate this great festival. They share feeling and emotions among their relatives. First nine days are called NavaRatri. During these nine days people pay their homage to the goddess. They properly worshiped goddess and pleased her by wishing their wishes become fulfill. The first day of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana. In this day people make a holy place to worship the goddess. The seventh day of this festival is called Fulpati. In this day people wash their weapons whatever they use in agricultural activities or household chores. Military also worship their gun and other weapons according to rituals. They worship their equipment in the worship room. The eighth day is called Maha Asthami. The night of the eighth day is called 'Kal Ratri', the dark night. Hundreds of goats, sheep and buffaloes are sacrificed at the mother goddess temples. The ninth day is called Nawami. In this day people take many goats, sheep, he-buffaloes, ducks etc to sacrifice in the temple of goddess Durga. This day is totally filled with blood in the Durga temple. They sacrifice their animals in the name of the goddess Durga. When she fulfill their wishes they scapegoat their animals in the temple.
The tenth day of this festival is called Dashami. This is very important day for Hindu people. They take Tika and Jamara from from their elders with bless. Many people come far from to take Tika and Jamara in the relatives home. They eat different delicious food and meat with their relatives and celebrate it very joyfully. Children go to their elders neighbour to take Tika and receive bless. This function continues for four days. Dashain ends on the full moon day, the fifteenth day. The full moon day is also called 'Kojagrata' meaning 'who is awake'. People believe that in this night Mata Laxmi visit everybody's home and who is awake with worshiping, she gives wealth and prosperity. In this way, Dashain festival is being celebrate. After this day people return to their normal life and duty.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Swargadwari Temple

Swargadwari is a famous place for the Hindu pilgrims. Which is located in the Pyuthan district, western part of Nepal. According to Hindu Mythology Swargadwari Guru Maharaj was an incarnation of god. He was born in Rolpa district in 1860. He showed some strange behavior when he was six years old by fasting in his childhood as a penance for his mother's diet of meat. After he completed his penance he started to blessing infertile couple and fortune telling. In 1894 he moved to Swargadwari with his followers and disciples and built a Shiva Temple and Yagya Sala where he performed rituals. Mostly he spent his life with his disciples. There were thousands of milking cows in Swargadwari which Guru Maharaja used to shepherd. An account of his followers tried to follow him where he took all his cows and himself but followers could not find. Before he left his physical body he gave his divine power to his few disciples.
Every year at Baishakh Purnima there perform a great ceremony. There are many temples in this place. Some of them are big and some others are small. Monks and nuns live there who participate every morning and evening in the pray. Many Hindu devotees and pilgrims come from out of Pyuthan district as well as many part of the India. They pray for peace and prosperity with pure soul. Many people leave out oxen in the name of God when their wishes become fulfill. This temple lies in the top of the hill. There can be found fresh atmosphere and clear environment. It is panoramic place to visit.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Supa Deurali Mandir

Arghakhanchhi is a district which has located in the western part of Nepal. It is very famous for its natural beauty as well as historical and cultural phenomena. Every people has their own culture, tradition and belief. There are many ethnic people such as Brahaman, Chhetri and other group. Hindu people are in great number than the other religious people. Most of the people are depending on agriculture. Some people are also in the governmental post and some other are in civil sector. There are many historical places.
Supadeurali Temple is one of the famous temple among the western part of nepal. It is located in the Arghakhanchi district in Lumbini Zone. There is very dangerous place where temple has stablished. It is also interesting to visit and looking around other beautiful places. It is one of the great example of the lively temple of Nepal. Many pilgrims come for worship by wishing their desires become fulfill. People sacrifice many goat in the name of the god. Specially, considering after their desire become fulfill. They think that god is omnipresent and they should follow the rule of god and obey to him. When their wishes become fulfill, people consider because of the God their wishes became fulfilled. This is the belief of Hindu people.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kalika Temple of Baglung

Nepal is a land-lock country. It is very rich in its culture and geographical beauty. One of the most beautiful location of Nepal is Baglung district. Baglung is located at the western part of Nepal. We can get very beautiful environment in this place. It is very panoramic destination for the tourists. It is 68 km far from one of the most panoramic city Pokhara. Kalika Temple is located in the middle of the forest at Baglung Municipality. Every year enumerable devotees come to worship. They believe that whatever they think, Goddess Kalika will fulfill their desires and wishes. Many people come from out of the Baglung district by wishing their desires become fulfill. It is one of the interesting place where people can forget their trouble and burden. It is very pleasing to visit the temple and other surrounding. People can enjoy little part of their life in this place. Many people come with their family members to visit and worship in this temple.
In every Chaitra Astami Mela thousands of people come for worship from different part of country. In Chaitra Astami people worship goddess Kalika with the hope of fulfilling their desires and wishes become fulfill. Sporting and cultural program are also held at this time in Baglung Bazar. Baglung Kalika is one of the most worshiped goddess and visited temple. If we properly promulgate about this natural beauty among the foreigners, this is sure that many internal as well as tourists from out of the country come to visit which will help to promote our greatness in natural as well as cultural field.
